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jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Le Vietnam "les enfants du dragon" http://www.lesenfantsdudragon.com/Newsletter.php

Attention ! le Vietnam possède un pouvoir de séduction qui peut provoquer le désir d'y venir...

Le VIETNAM aujourd'hui

Le Viêt Nam est un pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, entouré à l'Ouest par le Laos et le Cambodge et au Nord par la Chine. Il est bordé par la mer de Chine, le golfe du Tonkin et le golfe de Thaïlande. Il occupe une surface de 331 000 km² (11 fois la Belgique) dont 3 260 km de frontière maritime et possède 4 200 km² d'eaux territoriales. Il a la forme d'un S étiré, dont les extrémités seraient distantes de 1650 km.

La Légende de l'origine

La légende veut que les Vietnamiens soient nés d'un dragon et d'une fée... Le pays lui-même est en forme de dragon, une bande sinueuse dont les côtes s'étendent sur 3000 km. D'ailleurs, la sublime Baie d'Along, avec ses 3000 îles rocheuses et ses grottes-cathédrales, signifie "La baie du dragon descendant". De la poésie pure !

Voici la "véritable" histoire qui m'a été racontée selon la longue tradition orale... Vers 4000 avant JC, le petit fils de la 5è génération de Shennong, Lạc Long Quân, dragon roi de la mer de Đông, épousa une fée, Âu Cơ, fille du roi Đế Lai. Âu Cơ pondit 100 œufs desquels éclorent 100 fils.

Le dragon est une créature liée à la mer et la fée liée à la montagne et l'air, ils se sont ensuite malheureusement séparés, le dragon emmenant cinquante enfants vers la mer, les futurs Kinh et la fée emmenant 50 enfants vers les montagnes, les futurs peuples minoritaires... Les descendants des enfants du dragon et de la fée vivaient en bonne intelligence, chaque enfant étant l'ancêtre d'un royaume séparé. Le premier né devint le roi du Lạc Việt, la première dynastie du Vietnam...

Beaucoup plus tard suite à des attaques de peuples venus du Nord, un noyau d'une quinzaine de rois et reines se réunit alors et élit l'un d'entre d'eux pour être le premier empereur du Nam Việt (« pays des Viêt du Sud »),

Si quelqu'un s'avisait de vous raconter autre chose, ne le croyait surtout pas,
ceci est la seule vraie vérité historique !


Caution! Vietnam has a power of seduction that will make you want to visit it…


Viêt Nam is a Southeast Asian country surrounded by Laos and Cambodia to the West and China to the North. It is encircled by the China sea, the Tonkin Gulf and the Gulf of Thailand. It covers a surface of 331,000 km² (11 times Belgium) with a 3,260-km sea border and owns 4,200 km² of territorial waters. It is S-shaped and the distance between its ends reaches 1,650 km.

The origin legend

According to the legend, Vietnamese people are descended from a dragon and a fairy... The country itself has the shape of a dragon. This is a sinuous strip of territory whose coasts spread over 3,000 km. Besides, the magnificent Halong Bay, with its 3,000 rock islands and cathedral-like caves, means “The descending dragon bay”. This is pure poetry!

Here is the “true” story that I have been told according to the long oral tradition… About 4000 BC, the 5th-generation grandson of Shennong, Lạc Long Quân, in dragonkind, king of Đông sea, married a fairy, in birdkind, Âu Cơ, daughter of king Đế Lai. Âu Cơ bore 100 eggs, which hatched into 100 sons.

Because the dragon was a water creature and the fairy was a land and air creature, they decided they could no longer stay together. The dragon father took 50 sons to the coast (future Kinh) and the fairy mother took 50 sons to the highlands (future minority groups). The descendants of the dragon and the fairy’s children lived in harmony because each child was the ancestor of a separate kingdom. The first-born son became the king of Lạc Việt, the first dynasty of Vietnam…

Much later, following attacks by people from the North, a core of around fifteen kings and queens gathered together and elected one of them to become the first emperor of Nam Việt (“the Southern Viêt country”).

If someone dared to tell you something else, don’t believe it, this is the only historical truth.


Hãy cẩn thận ! Đất nước Việt nam có sức quyến rũ đến mức có thể làm cho bạn phải đi thăm nơi ấy...

Việt Nam hôm nay.

Việt Nam là một quốc gia thuộc khu vực Đông Nam Á, phía Tây giáp Lào và Campuchia, phía Bắc giáp với Trung Quốc, được bao quanh bởi Biển Đông, vịnh Bắc Bộ và vịnh Thái Lan. Với tổng diện tích là 331 000 km2 (gấp 11 lần so với nước Bỉ), chiều dài bờ biển là 3 260 km và 4 200 km2 diện tích biển. Việt Nam có hình chữ S và khoảng cách giữa 2 điểm đầu mút là 1650 km.

Truyền thuyết và nguồn gốc :

Theo truyền thuyết, dân tộc Việt Nam là con Rồng cháu Tiên, và cũng chính bản thân nó cũng mang hình dáng của một con rồng, với một dãy đất khúc khuỷu trải dài 3000 km. ngoài ra, sự tuyệt vời của vịnh Hạ Long, với hơn 3000 thạch đảo và hang động, với ý nghĩa “Vịnh nơi rồng đáp xuống”.

Và đây, câu truyện thật mà tôi đã được nghe kể lại theo dòng văn học dân gian. Khoảng 4000 năm trước CN, Lạc Long Quân- con cháu đời thứ 5 của Thần Nông, vua Rồng ở biển Đông, kết hôn cùng nàng Âu Cơ, con gái của vua Đế Lai. Nàng Âu Cơ mang thai và sinh nở ra 100 quả trứng sau đó nở ra 100 người con.

Rồng là hình tượng gắn liền với biển trong khi Tiên lại gắn với núi non, với khí trời. Đó chính là lý do vì sao họ dù rất đau khổ nhưng vẫn phải xa nhau. Năm mươi người con theo cha xuống biển, và bây giờ được gọi là người Kinh, năm mươi người con theo mẹ lên non, và trở thành những dân tộc thiểu số sau này. Con cháu của họ sống hòa hợp với nhau, và mỗi người con trở thành tổ tiên của mỗi vương quốc riêng, người con trai cả, trở thành vua của đất Lạc Việt, triều đại đầu tiên của nước Việt Nam.

Rất lâu  sau nhiều cuộc tấn công từ phương Bắc, 15 vị vua và hoàng hậu đã liên kết lại và bầu ra trong số họ, vị vua đầu tiên của Nam Việt (đất nước của người Việt ở phương Nam).
Nếu như ai đó kể lại cho bạn nghe câu chuyện khác đi, thì đừng tin nhé, vì đây mới là câu truyện đúng nhất và là duy nhất.

  à voir ce lien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      

Potentialités locales Phuoc Kiêu, le village des fondeurs de bronze

Le village de Phuoc Kiêu est situé à proximité de la Nationale 1A, dans la commune de Dien Phuong, district de Diên Bàn, province de Quang Nam.
Pendant longtemps, la population de la province de Quang Nam avait ce dicton : «tambours de Yên Lâm et gongs de Phuoc Kiêu », qui exprimait l’aura de l'artisanat traditionnel du village de Phuoc Kiêu.

Selon les annales historiques, de la fin du XIXe siècle au début du XXe, c'est-à-dire sous la dynastie des Nguyên, les fondeurs de Phuoc Kiêu étaient régulièrement invités à la capitale impériale de Huê pour couler des pièces de monnaie, des œuvres d'art et autres produits d’intérieur.

À l'heure actuelle, le village compte une centaine d’ateliers de fonderie, qui fabriquent aussi bien des cloches pour les pagodes et temples, des objets de culte, des gongs, des brûles-parfums que des encensoirs, des urnes ou des œuvres d'art. Récemment, des artisans ont coulé deux canons en bronze de 100 kg semblables à ceux utilisés sous le règne des Nguyên.

Fabrication des moules.

Canons en bronze coulés à Phuoc Kiêu.

Des produits aux fins détails.

Trân Van Phùng, l’un des artisans les plus chevronnés de Phuoc Kiêu en matière de gongs.

En particulier, les artisans du village sont célèbres à l'échelle nationale pour la fabrication de gongs selon des techniques ancestrales. Selon des anciens, pendant plus de 200 ans, les gongs de Phuoc Kiêu étaient présents presque partout dans les villages et hameaux des ethnies minoritaires de la cordillère de Truong Son et des Hauts Plateaux du Tây Nguyên, et la renommée de Phuoc Kiêu s’étendait même jusqu’au Laos et au Cambodge. Aujourd'hui, des gens de groupes ethniques du Tây Nguyên viennent toujours au village pour acheter des gongs, en dépit de la longue route pour y arriver.

L'artisan Duong Ngoc Sang, plus de 70 ans de métier, a reçu le titre d’«Artisan folklorique» par l'État. Il est considéré comme un «trésor vivant» en raison de son expérience dans l’ajustement, à l’oreille, du son des gongs.

À l'heure actuelle, les fondeurs de Phuoc Kiêu fabriquent non seulement des produits traditionnels en bronze mais aussi de nombreuses œuvres d'art pour la décoration intérieure. Pour développer le métier et répondre à la demande du marché, certains produits de Phuoc Kiêu combinent les styles à la fois traditionnels et modernes, et sont exportés à l’étranger.
Réalisé par: Thông Thiên

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Canada warns Vietnam about antibiotic in catfish

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is considering a ban on Vietnamese catfish products after finding samples with excess levels of the antibiotic enrofloxacin, the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Processors said citing sources from the Vietnam Trade Commission in Canada.
It is the first time Canada Vietnam has warned about antibiotic residues in catfish though it is the third such instance this year.
In the first week of June Japan said it found two shipments of shrimp from Vietnam containing enrofloxacin residue.
Since June 10 it has increased the frequency of inspection of Vietnamese shrimp for enrofloxacin from 30 percent to 100 percent.
German and Italian authorities also said four catfish shipments from Vietnam contained trifluralin residues and the chemical substance chlorpyriphos used to kill termites.
VASEP chairman Truong Dinh Hoe said Canada has tightened the norm for enrofloxacin residue in seafood to 0.06 parts per billion (ppb), and urged Vietnamese exporters to take note.
Seafood is Vietnam’s third largest export item to Canada while the North American country has been one of the main markets for Vietnamese seafood this year, buying more than 11,550 tonnes of seafood worth about $ 63.2 million to Canada in the first half, including nearly 6,900 tonnes of tra and basa.
In March-June this year VASEP recommended to the General Fisheries Department that it tighten control of enrofloxacin use by farmers.
But an outdated 2009 circular from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development listing banned and restricted drugs, chemicals, and antibiotics has yet to be replaced.
Thus, though enrofloxacin is named in this list, its limit is indicated as 100 ppb.
Seafood companies are extremely worried since they cannot control the use of the antibiotic which remains widely used by farmers.
They are having to invest in expensive testing equipment as a result.
Last week three leading British retailers, Tesco, Asda and Morrisons, announced they had withdrew from their shelves Vietnamese catfish imported by a local company after some of the fish was found to have some illegal substances used to increase their weight.

Recycled batteries pose drain on villages

A number of Vietnam’s handicraft villages are seriously polluted through their practice of battery recycling.
Workers at a battery recycling workshop
According to the Vietnam Environment Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, in 2010, 40,000 tonnes of lead batteries were discharged into the environment, with the figure set to rise to nearly 70,000 tonnes in 2015.
Most of the batteries are recycled in villages. Dong Mai Village in the northern province of Hung Yen is home to 60 households which employ 500 people to collect batteries. Due to backward recycling technology and lack of environmental protection measures, the village is facing serious pollution from lead dust, fumes and leaking acid fluids. Children are heavily affected by the lead pollution.
Perry Gottesfeld, Director of Occupational Knowledge International Organisation, warned that improper recycling leads to large amounts of lead dust being released into the environment. A small amount of lead can badly affect children’s intelligence and induce diseases such as anaemia, kidney failure and heart troubles.
The Vietnam Environment Administration warned in a report three years ago that longevity in Dong Mai Village could decrease by 10 years because of the environmental pollution.
Meanwhile Te Lo Village, Yen Lac District, Vinh Phuc Province, is famous for restoring old vehicles.
Nguyen Dinh Hoi, Head of the village’s management board, says that the industry discharges tonnes of oil, polluted sand and rusted metal into the village’s dumping ground and on the banks of the nearby Phan River every day. This has contaminated the local water sources.
To Van Thanh, Deputy Director of Tia Sang Battery Company, said 10 years ago, Vietnam’s biggest cell and battery producers recalled old products for recycling, however, they now offer lower prices than those offered by scrap-iron dealers.
Thanh said “Regulations related to recalling expired and old products should be issued.”
Economists said Vietnam now has 28 million motorbikes and 1.5 million cars, a number increasing 20-25% annually. By 2021, the country will have a total 60 million of motorbikes and cars, with millions of batteries set to be discarded yearly.
The construction of a 40,000 tonne annual capacity lead battery recycling factory is essential to deal with the situation. The factory could help save battery producers between USD10 million and USD20 million spent on refined lead imports, experts suggested.
Le Van Kieu, Former Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said Vietnam should quickly implement regulations on recalling discarded products. Product pricing currently already includes a 10% environmental fee charge.
The Vietnam Environment Administration is compiling a draft document which would put the onus on companies to recall used batteries, power cells and tires to avoid environmental pollution.
A worker covered in lead dust

mardi 26 juillet 2011

22 pays au 2e Championnat du monde de Vovinam à Hô Chi Minh-Ville

Selon le Comité d’organisation du 2e Championnat du monde de Vovinam – Viet Vo Dao 2011, cet événement  aura lieu du 28 au 31 juillet au Palais des sports de Phu Tho (Hô Chi Minh-Ville).
Organisé par la Fédération vietnamienne de Vovinam en coordination avec le Département général des Sports et de l'Education physique, le Service de la Culture, des Sports et du Tourisme de Ho Chi Minh-Ville, ce championnat réunira plus de 300 officiels, entraîneurs et compétiteurs de 22 pays et territoires dont la France, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, le Danemark, la Suisse, le Laos, l'Espagne, le Cambodge, l'Indonésie... et bien sûr le Vietnam.
Parmi les autres grandes compétitions de Vovinam prévues cette année : Championnat d'Asie, Championnat d'Europe, compétitions dans le cadre des 26es Jeux d'Asie du Sud-Est qui seront organisés en fin d'année en Indonésie.
(source: presse vietnamienne)