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samedi 13 août 2011

The ideal weekend break in Vuon Xoai

Like Can Gio or Giang Dien Waterfall, Vuon Xoai Ecotourism Park in Dong Nai Province is a peaceful oasis for Saigonese to visit for a picnic or sightseeing trip on a short weekend break.
Some visitors take a bamboo boat cruise along a lake in Vuon Xoai Ecotourism Park in Dong Nai Province
Located 30 kilometres from HCMC in Tan Cang Village, Phuoc Tan Commune, Long Thanh District, and covering over 30 hectares, Vuon Xoai is a fun place where visitors can enjoy some outdoor games such as go-karting, swimming, tennis, fishing and ostrich riding. Visiting a crocodile swamp and tramping around a bamboo garden and orchard is also on offer to tourists.
If you are sitting at home having a quiet weekend, eating food or watching movies all day, why not get yourself out there to Vuon Xoai.
It’s not far from the city and for those who love a long walk on a weekend break, strolling around the bamboo garden or orchard, viewing cottages or the many bonsai trees and flowers is a good way to get some nice fresh air into your lungs and fresh local food is also good for your health.
If you like to contemplate or ponder life while you relax, a spot of fishing is a great choice as you take in the tranquil surroundings with the still water surface under the shade of trees, bamboo bridge and some small floating cottages on the lake.
If you like to just float on the still water and take it all in, there are tours around lakes or canals in the Mekong Delta on bamboo boats. However, tourists should make sure they put on life vests as a safety precaution.
Adventurous visitors can also try go-karting or ostrich riding.
Taking an electronic car at VND10,000 to go around the park is also good for those who are too tired to go the extra distance. Along the road, visitors have the chance to see crocodiles, caged bears, snakes, wild pigs, birds and peacocks.
There is no need to worry about getting thirsty or hungry as restaurants serve various Vietnamese dishes and drinks.
Visitors, who have plenty of time to spare, can stay overnight at some guest houses in the area and make a camp fire at night to top off an unforgettable trip.
Go-karting is popular with young visitors in Vuon Xoai - Photos: My Tran

Plan to curb disease in new school year

The HCM City Department of Health will co-operate with the Department of Education and Training to train teachers and school management staffs on ways to prevent the spread of dengue fever and hand-foot-mouth disease as the new school year opens on August 15.
A doctor is examining a kid at a children's hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.
At a monthly meeting between the department leaders and officials of health centres in the city's districts, Nguyen Dac Tho, deputy head of the City Preventive Medicine Centre, said that students' parents would also be provided with information to raise awareness and destroy mosquito larvae in their homes.

Both teachers and parents would be encouraged to keep their hands, as well as that of their children, clean at all times with regular washing with soap; and the floor and toys used by children would be disinfected regularly as preventive measures against HFMD, Tho said.

Moreover, district health centres would be asked to focus preventive measures on areas with a lot of renters and with increasing numbers of residents afflicted with either disease, he said.

According to the City Preventive Medicine Centre, 1,249 patients contracted dengue fever in July, an increase of 40 per cent over June. Fortunately, there were no fatalities.

The number of wards and communes in the city with residents afflicted by the disease in July also increased 12.4 per cent compared to June. Most of the patients were in districts 7, 8, Tan Binh, Binh Chanh, Binh Tan and Tan Phu.

The total number of dengue fever patients in the first seven months of the year was 5,965, double that of the same period last year. There were two deaths.

Meanwhile, the number of patients with HFMD last month reduced overall, but increased in some districts like Binh Tan and Tan Binh.

In July, 1,882 patients were diagnosed with HFMD, a decrease of 10 per cent over June. Five patients died, raising the death toll in the first seven months to 22.

The total number of HFMD patients recorded since the beginning of this year is 6,646.

mardi 9 août 2011

Nouvelles Hô Chi Minh-Ville prête attention à la qualité des eaux des canaux

Hô Chi Minh-Ville se concentre actuellement sur un grand nombre de projets de traitement des eaux des canaux et arroyos affectés par une grave pollution. Le plus récent en date est celui de l'usine de traitement des eaux du ruisseau Nhum dans le quartier de Linh Trung, d'un coût de 617 milliards de dôngs. Une fois achevé, elle permettra de dépolluer les ruisseaux Nhum, Cai ou encore Xuân Truong.

Auparavant, la ville avait donné le feu vert au lancement du projet d'évacuation des eaux et de dépollution dans le canal Tham Luong-Bên Cat-Rach Nuoc Lên. La première phase nécessitera un apport de 1.950 milliards de dôngs, puis de 6.300 milliards de dôngs supplémentaires pour la deuxième. Les travaux du projet d'amélioration de la qualité des eaux du canal Ba Bo, d'un coût de 700 milliards de dôngs, ont quant à eux bien avancé…

Huynh Thanh Nha, chef adjoint de l'Office de la protection de l'environnement (Service des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement) de Hô Chi Minh-Ville fait savoir que les eaux des canaux et arroyos à Hô Chi Minh-Ville souffrent d'une grave pollution, qui s'explique par le rejet direct des eaux usées de la vie quotidienne, mais aussi (et surtout) par celles des entreprises implantées dans les agglomérations et qui ne reçoivent aucun traitement préalable.

Les résultats d'observation de la qualité de l'eau de surface dans les canaux et rivières principaux de la ville comme Thây Cai-An Ha, Cho Dêm-rach Nuoc Lên montrent que la concentration des substances comme TSS, DO, COD, BOD… dépasse les normes permises, avec un pH très acide.

Notamment, les métaux lourds sont de plus en plus présents, preuve qu'un grand volume de déchets industriels sont rejetés directement dans ces canaux par les entreprises des zones industrielles. Par exemple, le canal Thây Cai-An Ha (tronçon dépend de la zone industrielle Tân Phu Trung) est le réceptacle des eaux usées de 26 entreprises de la zone industrielle Tân Phu Trung, sans compter les 250 m3 d'eaux usées au quotidien déversées par plusieurs entreprises dans le district de Hooc Môn comme les papeteries Tri Thiên, A Châu, Trung Nam, Son Nam, An Thiên…

En dehors des eaux usées de la vie quotidienne, la rivière Cho Dêm-rach Nuoc Lên reçoit également celles rejetées par la zone industrielle Tân Tao. La pollution est critique dans le fleuve Sai Gon, ce qui pose un problème de santé publique, puisque le cours d'eau sert à l'approvisionnement en eau propre les habitants de la ville.

Face à cette situation, la construction des stations d'épuration des eaux des canaux afin d'améliorer la qualité de l'eau se pose comme un impératif. Mais pour Huynh Thanh Nha, il faut, dans l'immédiat, que les arrondissements et districts, les comités de gestion des zones industrielles et zones franches procèdent à des contrôles réguliers concernant les activités de protection de l'environnement imposées aux entreprises. Il faut sanctionner plus rigoureusement et systématiquement les entreprises pollueuses selon le principe de "pollueur-payeur". Les maîtres d'ouvrage des bases matérielles dans les zones industrielles doivent contrôler, surveiller régulièrement l'efficacité du système concentré de traitement des eaux usées. Le système d'épuration des eaux usées des entreprises est dans l'obligation d'être raccordé au système concentré en question.